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Picture Burke

Selected Historical Photographs of Burke County North Carolina

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1910 Reo Automobile
Photographed in Morganton, NC in 1910

The gentlemen in the automobile is John Martin
Fleming of Raleigh, NC, the father of Mrs. Ireneus Pilmore Jeter (Nannie McKay


R. Douglas
Walker, Jr.


One of the First Automobiles in Morganton, NC

     The lady wearing the hat is Mrs. Benedict Bristol (Myra Davis, daughter of I. I. Davis).  She is holding her daughters Mary Todd and Lucie Davis Bristol.


R. Douglas
Walker, Jr.



Kirksey and Company Demonstrating a Large Tractor

Photograph taken ca 1900 in the 100 block of East Union Street in Morganton, NC. Hotel Morgan is in the background. 



     NC Room,      Burke County
Public Library



First Airplane to Come to Morganton, NC

July 4, 1919

The aviator was Lt. Henry Westall. He was the first aviator to fly over the Blue Ridge. It took him less than an hour to fly from Asheville, NC.


Burke County Public Library




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