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Selected Historical Photographs of Burke County North Carolina

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   First Methodist Church of Morganton, NC
          ca 1925

Was located on the east side of the 100 block of South King Street, Morganton, NC.  The first service was held in the church in October 1902. W. H. Sloan, a Morganton contractor, was the architect and builder. The structure was vacated in March 1953 when the congregation moved to a new church at 200 North King Street.  This building was later razed.       



 NC Room,
Burke County
Public  Library



Drexel Furniture Company
Drexel, NC

The company's first plant burned in 1906.  The plant pictured was built in two weeks after the fire and was identical to the first one. The plant consisted of two buildings. In 1917, the building got electricity.  An addition was added in 1918.


R. Douglas
Walker, Jr.


825 West Union Street, Morganton, NC
Photograph ca 1905

Thomas George Walton built the house for his bride, Elizabeth A. Murphy, whom he married in 1837. They moved into the house soon after their wedding.  It is believed that Walton designed the house using many ideas they he had gotten from Virginia houses when he traveled there.    


R. Douglas
Walker, Jr.


Sheep at the Perkins Farm
Burke County, NC off Piedmont Road along the Johns River
Photograph ca 1912

Happy Valley, the Perkins home that once stood on the property, was built in 1829 by Alfred Perkins, the grandson of Gentleman John Perkins.  It burned in 1977.    


R. Douglas
Walker, Jr.


Glen Alpine Depot
Glen Alpine, NC
Photograph ca 1895

This station was the original Western North Carolina station in Glen Alpine.  It was replaced in 1912.  Signs on the end of the building informed travelers of the distances to Morristown, TN, Atlanta, GA, Chattanooga, TN and Salisbury, NC.  The agent lived on the second floor.


R. Douglas
Walker, Jr.



Was located on what is today Belvidere Lane off Piedmont Road in Morganton, NC

Built in 1802 by William Willoughby Erwin, son of Arthur Erwin,  from bricks manufactured on the property.  The bricks were laid in a Flemish Bond.  Destroyed by fire in 1929.  


 NC Room,
 Burke County
 Public Library


The Council Oak

Was located at Quaker Meadows, Burke County, NC. On September 30, 1780, Charles McDowell, Joseph McDowell, and other Overmountain Men mustered under the Council Oak prior to going to the Battle of Kings Mountain. 


NC Room,
Burke County
Public Library


Morganton Community House
120 North King Street, Morganton, NC

Built in 1935 with WPA Funds.  The architects were Benton and Benton, Wilson, NC. The builders were C. Lannie Smith and W. B. Sloan.  Since 1935, the building has been used for civic meetings, political gatherings, weddings and other social events. 

Photography by Greene Studio


NC Room,
Burke County
Public Library


First Baptist Church of Morganton, NC

Was located on the northeast corner of West Meeting and South King Streets. The church was dedicated on July 14, 1895.  It was vacated in June 1967 when a new church was completed. It was later razed. A mini-park is on the site today.

Note the Old Burke County Courthouse in the background at right.  


Debbie Greene


Pleasant View Baptist Church
Photograph ca 1900
US 70 East, Morganton, NC

The church was known as Chapel of the Cross when a group of  Baptists purchased it for $30 in 1901.  The building originally served as a school and mission started by the Episcopalians.  The house to the right is the old Thompson house.      


B. Rondal Mull


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